Tuesday, August 30, 2005

School here I come!

School starts on Thursday, but I've already been in my classroom. How does dust accumulate so quickly in just two months? Dust mites Gross..... Big change this year! I'll be teaching 3 hour long classes and 1 45 minute class. Hasn't anyone read the studies that your brain is on a cycle and you can only think for so long and then you just bother the teacher the rest of the time???

Friday, April 15, 2005

Florida here I come!!!

So my vacation has finally arrived. I've been thinking about this trip to Disney since Nov. Hopefully I have fun. At least there will be Sun!!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Katie's Dream House

While walking on the beach in her pretty pink hat, Katie spots ...

... her dream house! And, best of all, it's in move-in condition!

Katie can't wait to start receiving transmissions from the aliens.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Think Pink!!!

Here I am in my pink hat!!! Gienna says it looks like a cross between a Hostess Snowball and a telletubby!!! She also says that if I don't start updating my blog, she'll start posting for me!!!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Party Pics


You should add some captions (you really should). But I'd do it in the "Edit HTML" window, because sometimes when you add text to pictures in compose mode the pictures disappear! You can add what you like and then delete this little message.


Add a caption here.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Can't believe it's my birthday again. The years just seem to blend.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

There should be an award for best blog/blogger/best supporting blogger/best art direction on a blog....

Every year I watch or try to watch the Academy Awards. For some reason the exciting moments always elude me. I wish I had TiVo. I get distracted and miss all the exciting parts. But luckily I see all the most dribble worthy boring parts.
So I nominate Gienna Writes as best new blog site.
Good luck with the Academy.

PS Best blogger, would love to see the pics. Thanks

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Spark Craft Studios

Spark Craft Studios

Hey Katie! You should put THIS is your blog!!!!

[via Daily Candy]

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Spirits, shades, souls

Do you believe in ghosts?
I do.
Last Sat. I saw a spirit in my boyfriend's apt. It appeared to be a little old man, traveling from the bedroom to the bathroom. The first time I just sat there, thinking I saw something in the corner of my eye.
The second time, I jumped up and ran to the kitchen, where Lee was.
The third time, I refused to go back into the living room, until he came with me.
My boyfriend's landlady died Sat. Night. Strange huh?

Gienna also is awakened by the spirit of Mort. But only at 3:00 A.M.

This all goes along with the book I'm currently reading. Odd Thomas.

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Sometimes dreams are very memorable. Last night's was almost memorable. And I have been seeing spirits lately too.
I dreamed I was dancing with a certain person who danced very well. Then for some reason my dream jumped to my students. That they all have some quality (some nicer than others) that make each one of them special, and that I should really realize that about them.
Very strange combination.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Fat cow, dumb doggie, silly kitty, snuggle bunny

Why do people like to use pet names?
Even when they are mad they would rather say an animal is dumb or fat and not the human being. I of course like the lovey dovey (oops there I go) pet names, (mine is snuggle bunny) I know can you believe it G, since I'm so un-snuggly when you first think of me!

But I did call someone a fat cow yesterday, several times. I wanted to call her something horrible, but then I feel guilty.

So my words today are: fat cow
As in "That woman is such a fat cow" Not even meaning she is fat, but evil.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Hot Hair Colors

Since it is now February and I am getting my hair done today, I was wondering what are the hot hair colors?
So let me know what color would be good?
I'm leaning towards a reddish hue.

Monday, January 31, 2005

The end of January...

It is sad when the end of a month comes along. You wonder what you did in those 31days. They go by so quickly.
Words for the day: Staphylococcus aureus
As in "Man your Staphylococcus aureus really smells after you hit the gym!"
A student's smile is worth all the stinky frowns.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Are you shoveling???????

OK I know I live in Lovely Lynn and everything, but really what is the IQ ratio compared to say Swell Swampscott.
The other day, after being PO'd by having to move my car at 7:20 in the AM, I decided to try and chop up the glacier in front of the house, so maybe by March we could actually park on the street. First my neighbor on the left, with the 3 crazy dogs, she is actually a sort of nice older motherly type, yelled over to me, "Are you shoveling?". The answer obviously was "yes". Then she said, "Oh it looks really hard, and maybe you should do it another time". I said, "Thanks", but secretly I was thinking, mind your own business or get out your own shovel!!!!!!!!
Then, secondly, my neighbor on the right comes out, now she is about 40ish and still lives at home with her mother and strange looking brother, they also own a crazy dog and house several neighborhood squirrels, and says "Are you shoveling?". I said "yes". And then she said, "Are you planning on parking on the street?". I said "There are other cars on the street". She said, "Well don't park too close to my driveway, because then it makes it harder for me to see out" I said "I'm not going to block your driveway". Thinking you lazy crazy person, if you were so interested in seeing out of your driveway, why don't you try shoveling down the glacier that is blocking the driveway, instead of complaining to me!!!!!
Don't you just love your neighbors!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Snow and more snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe I am currently in school. We have to learn about how to have ELL students in our class, even though I have been teaching them for the better part of 10 years. Oh and we also have to learn how to use our email system. Can you believe it!!!!!!!!!

Word for the day: of course SNOW As in can you believe we have this much snow!

PS the Chelsea man found yesterday by Lee, was mentioned in an article by the Globe. Of course they didn't mention Lee, only the responding officers. and of course Lee didn't really find him, he just had to confirm that he was no longer living.

PPS I have the next 2 days off, yeah, yeah, boo that we have to stay in school till the end of June!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I guess this is how it goes?????

First and foremost I have thank Ms. Gienna for setting up my blog. We will have to see how creative I will be and how many posts I will be putting on this lovely site.

My new word of the week is fruit. As in that person is such a fruit.

Gee I don't really know what to write but I will try to figure out something maybe a little more interesting. It is hard to compete with G. See G you win at the game of blogging.

Monday, January 24, 2005

"You Should Put That in Your Blog!"

So I'm telling Katie something funny that my mom said and she says,"You should put that in your blog!"

And I say, "Katie, if I put every crazy thing my mother said in my blog I wouldn't have time to do anything else."

And she says, "You should still put that in your blog!"

OK. So then I tell her about a blog I saw that those mental cases from The Amazing Race made, which includes a post from the male mental case that says he is very sorry for the way he treated the female mental case but he has a medical condition and it was the medication.

And Katie says, "You should put that in your blog!"

And I tried to explain how that wouldn't really go in my blog, because my blog is about writing and photography.

And she says, "You should still put that in your blog!"

And it goes on and on like this for a very long time, until I finally say, "You should get your own damn blog."

And she says, "I should! You could make one for me!"

So I did. And this is Katie's "You Should Put That in Your Blog" Blog. But I'm not writing all the entries, Katie. You're going to have to pull your own weight around here. But, just to get you started:

Jonathan and Victoria’s blog

Victoria’s “art”

[via !! omg blog !!]