Monday, January 24, 2005

"You Should Put That in Your Blog!"

So I'm telling Katie something funny that my mom said and she says,"You should put that in your blog!"

And I say, "Katie, if I put every crazy thing my mother said in my blog I wouldn't have time to do anything else."

And she says, "You should still put that in your blog!"

OK. So then I tell her about a blog I saw that those mental cases from The Amazing Race made, which includes a post from the male mental case that says he is very sorry for the way he treated the female mental case but he has a medical condition and it was the medication.

And Katie says, "You should put that in your blog!"

And I tried to explain how that wouldn't really go in my blog, because my blog is about writing and photography.

And she says, "You should still put that in your blog!"

And it goes on and on like this for a very long time, until I finally say, "You should get your own damn blog."

And she says, "I should! You could make one for me!"

So I did. And this is Katie's "You Should Put That in Your Blog" Blog. But I'm not writing all the entries, Katie. You're going to have to pull your own weight around here. But, just to get you started:

Jonathan and Victoria’s blog

Victoria’s “art”

[via !! omg blog !!]

1 comment:

Gienna said...


Welcome to your new blog! You blogger!